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module Main where
import Camera
import Control.Monad (mapM)
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Ix
import Data.Maybe
import Hittable
2 years ago
import IOUtils
import Linear.V3
import Linear.Vector
2 years ago
import Material
import Maths
import Ray
type Coord = (Int, Int)
type ImageDimensions = (Int, Int)
2 years ago
-- antialiasing
2 years ago
-- scatter rays based on the material of the object that was hit
scatter :: (RandomGen g) => Ray -> Hit -> Rand g (Ray)
2 years ago
scatter (Ray o d) (Hit t p n (Lambertian c)) = do
r <- randV3
let target = p ^+^ colorWithNormal n ^+^ r
2 years ago
return $ Ray p (target ^-^ p)
scatter (Ray o d) (Hit t p n (Metal c)) = do
let reflected = reflect (unitVector d) n
2 years ago
return $ Ray p reflected
scatter (Ray o d) (Hit t p n (Glass c)) = do
let refraction_ratio = if isFrontFace (Ray o d) n then 1.0 / 1.5 else 1.0
let ud = unitVector d
let ct = min (ud `dotP` n) 1.0
let st = sqrt (1.0 - ct * ct)
rVal <- rand
if refraction_ratio * st > 1.0 || reflectance ct refraction_ratio < rVal
then do
let reflected = reflect ud n
return $ Ray p reflected
else do
let refracted = refract ud n refraction_ratio
return $ Ray p refracted
2 years ago
2 years ago
getRayColor :: (Shape s, RandomGen g) => [s] -> Int -> Ray -> Rand g (V3 Double)
getRayColor ws d r = do
let h = getBestHit (mapMaybe (testHit r) ws)
2 years ago
getRayColor' r h ws d
2 years ago
-- get color of pixel according to the closest hit found
getRayColor' :: (Shape s, RandomGen g) => Ray -> Maybe Hit -> [s] -> Int -> Rand g (V3 Double)
getRayColor' (Ray o d) Nothing _ _ = do return $ colorGradient (unitVector d)
2 years ago
getRayColor' (Ray o d) _ _ 0 = do return $ colorGradient (unitVector d)
2 years ago
getRayColor' (Ray o d) (Just (Hit t p n m)) ws depth = do
let a = attenuation m
ray <- scatter (Ray o d) (Hit t p n m)
nextVal <- getRayColor ws (depth - 1) ray
return (a * nextVal)
2 years ago
-- used for coloring the background, color based on direction vector
colorGradient :: V3 Double -> V3 Double
colorGradient (V3 x y z) = do
let t = 0.5 * (y + 1.0)
(1.0 - t) *^ V3 1.0 1.0 1.0 + t *^ V3 0.5 0.7 1.0
2 years ago
-- from a list of possible hits, get the closest possible hit found
getBestHit :: [Hit] -> Maybe Hit
getBestHit [] = Nothing
getBestHit (h : hs) = Just (getBestHit' hs h)
getBestHit' :: [Hit] -> Hit -> Hit
getBestHit' (h : hs) bestHit =
2 years ago
if root h < root bestHit
then getBestHit' hs h
else getBestHit' hs bestHit
getBestHit' [] hit = hit
colorWithNormal :: V3 Double -> V3 Double
colorWithNormal v = 0.5 *^ (v ^+^ V3 1.0 1.0 1.0)
2 years ago
-- heart of loop, for each x y coordinate pixel, convert it into world space and then run the ray tracing algorithm
-- run [samples] times in order to increase fidelity
rayTrace :: (Shape s) => (Int, Int) -> ImageDimensions -> [s] -> Int -> Camera -> IO (V3 Double)
rayTrace (x, y) (w, h) world samples camera = do
2 years ago
let maxDepth = 50
l <- replicateM samples (evalRandIO (getRayColor world maxDepth $ buildRay (xf / wf) (yf / hf) camera))
return $ foldl (^+^) (V3 0.0 0.0 0.0) l
xf = fromIntegral x
yf = fromIntegral y
wf = fromIntegral (w - 1)
hf = fromIntegral (h - 1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let w = 400
let h = 400
let aspect = 1.0 --16.0 / 9.0
let viewHeight = 2.0
let viewWidth = aspect * viewHeight
let focalLength = 1.0
let camera = makeCamera (V3 0.0 0.0 0.0) viewWidth viewHeight focalLength
2 years ago
let samples = 25
2 years ago
let world =
[ Circle (V3 0.0 0.0 (-1.0)) 0.5 (Glass (V3 1.0 1.0 1.0)),
Circle (V3 1.0 0.0 (-1.0)) 0.5 (Lambertian (V3 0.7 0.1 0.1)),
Circle (V3 0.0 (-100.5) (-1.0)) 100 (Lambertian (V3 0.7 0.6 0.5))
2 years ago
let coords = [(x, y) | x <- reverse [0 .. w - 1], y <- [0 .. h - 1]]
colors <- mapM (\x -> rayTrace x (w, h) world samples camera) coords
let convertedColors = map v3ToColor colors
2 years ago
-- print ppm header
putStrLn "P3"
putStrLn (show w ++ " " ++ show h)
putStrLn "255"
2 years ago
-- print each color converted to ppm format string
mapM_ (colorToString samples) convertedColors
2 years ago
mapM_ print convertedColors