@ -22,41 +22,41 @@ type ImageDimensions = (Int, Int) |
type ViewPortDimensions = (Double, Double) |
-- TODO |
-- add multiple samples per pixel |
-- DONE add multiple samples per pixel |
-- fix coordinate system |
-- DONE fix random number generator |
backgroundColor = V3 0.0 0.0 0.0 |
-- getRayColor :: (Shape s, RandomGen g) => [s] -> Int -> Ray Double -> Rand g (V3 Double) |
-- need to accumulate somewhere |
getRayColor :: (Shape s, RandomGen g) => [s] -> Int -> Ray Double -> Rand g (V3 Double) |
getRayColor ws d r = do |
let h = getBestHit (mapMaybe (testHit r) ws) |
v <- getRayColor' r h ws d |
return $ v |
return v |
getRayColor' :: (Shape s, RandomGen g) => Ray Double -> Maybe Hit -> [s] -> Int -> Rand g (V3 Double) |
getRayColor' (Ray o d) Nothing _ _ = do return $ colorGradient (unitVector d) |
getRayColor' _ _ _ 0 = do return $ backgroundColor |
getRayColor' (Ray o d) _ _ 0 = do return $ colorGradient (unitVector d) |
getRayColor' (Ray o d) (Just (Hit t p n)) ws depth = |
do |
r <- randV3 |
let target = p ^+^ n ^+^ r |
nextVal <- (getRayColor ws (depth - 1) (Ray p (target ^-^ p))) |
return $ colorWithNormal (calculateRayNormal (Ray o d) t) ^+^ (0.5 *^ nextVal) |
let target = p ^+^ colorWithNormal (unitVector n) ^+^ r |
nextVal <- getRayColor ws (depth - 1) (Ray p (target ^-^ p)) |
return (0.5 *^ nextVal) |
colorGradient :: V3 Double -> V3 Double |
colorGradient (V3 x y z) = do |
let t = 0.5 * (y + 1.0) |
(1.0 - t) *^ V3 1.0 1.0 1.0 + t *^ V3 0.5 0.7 1.0 |
getBestHit :: [Hit] -> Maybe Hit |
-- testHit needs to take into account other hits, not here |
getBestHit [] = Nothing |
getBestHit (h : hs) = Just (getBestHit' hs h) |
getBestHit' :: [Hit] -> Hit -> Hit |
getBestHit' (h : hs) bestHit = |
if root h > root bestHit |
-- always pick closest hit to camera |
if root h < root bestHit |
then getBestHit' hs h |
else getBestHit' hs bestHit |
getBestHit' [] hit = hit |
@ -64,21 +64,29 @@ getBestHit' [] hit = hit |
colorWithNormal :: V3 Double -> V3 Double |
colorWithNormal v = 0.5 *^ (v ^+^ V3 1.0 1.0 1.0) |
rayTrace :: (Shape s, RandomGen g) => (Int, Int) -> ImageDimensions -> ViewPortDimensions -> [s] -> Rand g (V3 Double) |
rayTrace :: (Shape s) => (Int, Int) -> ImageDimensions -> ViewPortDimensions -> [s] -> IO (V3 Double) |
rayTrace (x, y) (w, h) (vw, vh) world = do |
getRayColor world 50 (buildRay (xf * (vw / wf)) (yf * (vh / hf))) |
evalRandIO (getRayColor world 50 $ buildRay (xf * (vw / wf)) (yf * (vh / hf))) |
where |
xf = fromIntegral x |
yf = fromIntegral y |
wf = fromIntegral (w - 1) |
hf = fromIntegral (h - 1) |
clamp :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double |
clamp x mi ma |
| x < mi = mi |
| x > ma = ma |
| otherwise = x |
colorToString :: Color -> IO () |
colorToString (x, y, z) = tupToString (xr, yr, zr) |
where |
xr = round (x * 255.0) |
yr = round (y * 255.0) |
zr = round (z * 255.0) |
-- scale 1 |
scale = 1.0 |
xr = truncate ((clamp (sqrt (x * scale)) 0.0 0.999) * 256.0) |
yr = truncate ((clamp (sqrt (y * scale)) 0.0 0.999) * 256.0) |
zr = truncate ((clamp (sqrt (z * scale)) 0.0 0.999) * 256.0) |
tupToString :: (Show a) => (a, a, a) -> IO () |
tupToString (x, y, z) = putStrLn (show x ++ " " ++ show y ++ " " ++ show z) |
@ -91,14 +99,13 @@ main = do |
let w = 400 |
let h = 400 |
-- weirdly, the bottom circle appears on top and bottom |
let world = [Circle (V3 0.0 0.0 1.0) 0.25, Circle (V3 0.0 (-10.05) 1.0) 10] |
let coords = range ((-1 * (w `div` 2), -1 * (h `div` 2)), ((w `div` 2) - 1, (h `div` 2) - 1)) -- "canvas" |
--let aspect = 16.0 / 9.0 |
g <- getStdGen |
let colors = map (\x -> foldl (^+^) (V3 0.0 0.0 0.0) $ replicate 50 $ evalRand (rayTrace x (w - 1, h - 1) (1.0, 1.0) world) g) coords |
-- Circle (V3 0.0 (-10.05) 1.0) 5] |
let world = [Circle (V3 0.0 0.0 (-1.0)) 0.25, Circle (V3 0.0 (-10.25) (-1.0)) 10] |
let coords = reverse $ range ((-1 * (w `div` 2), -1 * (h `div` 2)), ((w `div` 2) - 1, (h `div` 2) - 1)) -- "canvas" |
colors <- mapM (\x -> rayTrace x (w, h) (1.0, 1.0) world) coords |
let convertedColors = map v3ToColor colors |
--mapM_ print colors |
putStrLn "P3" |
putStrLn (show w ++ " " ++ show h) |
putStrLn "255" |
mapM_ colorToString convertedColors |
mapM_ print convertedColors |